The Moon landings no hoax

OK, Lets get this out of the way up front. NASA did not fake the moon landings, and quite frankly anyone who seriously thinks they did is deficient in the brains department. There are quite a few reasons why I think this way so lets review them. I am though going to take a different approach to others who feel like I do.

Firstly lets look at what we know and can prove:

1) Did the Americans build rockets capable of launching satellites and manned capsules into low earth orbit. Clearly the answer is yes. The technology developed in the late nineteen fifties through the nineteen sixties was increasingly complex, more capable and the missions leading up to the moon missions clearly happened. Mistakes were made, Yes, three astronauts died in the Apollo I fire but lessons were learned.

2) Thirteen Saturn V rockets launched from the Kennedy space center between 1967 and 1973. At 363 feet tall or 110 meters its pushing credibility a bit much to even suggest they would have gone to such lengths to support a HOAX? I know the space program was about ego, and all about seeming to be better than the Russians but really, was that much money spent for that reason alone?

3) If it was about being better than the Russians, and we know they never got to the moon, so when Russia collapsed why not come out then and admit the hoax? Simply because it wasn't.

4) Here is the killer though. Until a decade ago we didn't have good enough imagery of the moons surface to see the landing sites, that has now changed. NASA has now published images showing the landing sites for Apollo 12, 14 and 17.


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